Introducing workshop and activities of FIT 2017 beneficiary organisation, NPO eboard


Following their mission of “creating a society where no one is left behind in learning,” this fiscal year, NPO eboard utilises the donation from FIT and focuses on activities which enhance training and support of municipalities, schools, and non-profit organisations that work to alleviate poverty and provide learning support to children living in the Kanto area.

In November, eboard plans to host a workshop in the Kansai area, where participants will be able to try out eboard’s learning materials. Please feel free to attend with family and friends.

Moreover, an introduction of last year’s FIT event along with pictures will be included in page 9 of eboard’s 2017 annual report (Japanese only).

Says Representative Director Mr. Nakamura: “We are able to work on improving the quality of on-site support as well as expansion to other areas, while communicating even more intensively.”

We hope the annual report provides an opportunity to readers to think about how attending FIT for Charity Run impacts our society.

Details of eboard Public Workshop @ Kansai

Date & Time: Saturday, November 17th, 2018 2:00PM – 4:00PM

Location: Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Ibaraki Campus (OIC), Building A, Room 1

Sponsors: NPO eboard(, Japan Association for Language Education and Technology(

Participants (space is limited to 30 participants):
- Those working in schools and educational settings (cram schools, NPO, etc.)
- Education committee members and administrative staffs involved in learning support and after school learning
- eboard monthly supporters


- Please note that only participants listed above will be able to register.
- If you plan to attend by car, please note that there will be parking fee.

Additional Information: Facebook

NPO eboard

2017 Annual Report

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