Past Beneficiary Organisations

These are the organisations FIT has supported.

Name of charities Awarded year Charity Interview
3keys 2017 link
5years 2018 link
A Dream A Day IN TOKYO 2015 link
ADDS 2020 link
Angel Support Center 2017 link
AOH 2018 link
Arakawa River Clean-aid Forum 2019 link
Arrow Arrow 2013  
Asobi no Volunteer 2012  
Being ALIVE Japan 2019 link
Bilingual Bicultural Education Center for Deaf Children 2018 link
BOND Project 2015 link
Bridge for Smile 2010  
Carer Action Network 2022 link
Carers Japan 2020 link
Carillon Children Center 2008  
Caring for Young Refugees 2011  
Center for Child Abuse Prevention 2007  
Center for Education and Support for Women 2008  
Chaibora 2022 link
Charity Santa 2016 link
Child Maltreatment Prevention Network 2014  
Children's Advocacy Center Tsunagg 2023  
Choiceful 2023 link
Cookies Project 2021 link
Dialog in the Dark Japan 2008  
Donguri no Kai 2016  
eboard 2017 link
EDGE 2022 link
End-of-Life Care Association of Japan 2017 link
ETIC 2011  
Everlasting Nature of Asia (ELNA) 2014  
Fair Start Support 2016 link
Fair Trade Tohoku 2011  
Family House 2007  
Florence 2009  
Food Bank Shibuya 2023 link
Free The Children Japan 2021 link
Friendship Camp 2011  
FTC Shelter 2005&2006  
Futaba Nursery / Futaba Infant Home 2007  
Good Aging Yells 2022 link
Good Neighbors Company 2019 link
Guide Dog & Service Dog & Hearing Dog Association of Japan 2014  
Habilis Japan 2019 link
Hanalabs 2014  
Hands On Tokyo 2010  
Hattatsu Wanpaku Kai 2015 link
Heart Full Family 2022 link
Home-Start Japan 2019 link
Hope Tree 2014  
Hospital Art Lab 2010  
House for Women Saalaa 2012  
Japan Amputee Football Association 2018 link
Japan Association for Refugees 2010  
Japan Blind Football Association (JBFA) 2013  
Japan First Aid Society 2018 link
Japan Hearing Dogs for Deaf People 2009  
Japan HIV Center 2005 & 2006  
Japan Singlemother Support 2021 link
Japan Transplant Support Association 2008  
Junior Achievement Japan 2011  
Keep Moms Smiling 2022 link
Kibo-no-Ie 2009  
Kids’ Door 2013  
KidsFam Foundation 2023  
Kizuki 2018 link
Kuraki Mother and Child Welfare Association 2011  
L'enfant Plaza 2007  
Lifelink 2010  
Lifestyle Research Institute of Forests (LSRIF) 2013  
Light Ring. 2020 link
Lighthouse: Center for Human Trafficking Victims 2013  
Lights On Children 2014  
Living Dreams 2010  
Madre Bonita 2012  
maggie’s tokyo 2016 link
Meals on Wheels 2008  
Meisei Gakuen School for the Deaf 2010  
Mental Rescue Association 2018 link
Minna no Kotoba 2017 link
Mirai no Mori 2013  
Moyai Support Center for Independent Living 2007  
Multi-Language Information Center (MIC Kanagawa) 2016 link
Multicultural Center Tokyo 2010  
Mutsumi Heim 2010  
National Association of Crime Victims and Surviving Families 2008  
Network Orange 2011  
Network Support for Sick Children Hotto Station Lala 2012  
Nippon Charity Kyokai 2023  
Nishiwaki Foundation 2005 & 2006  
Nonohana-no-ie 2009  
One Family Sendai 2011  
Otsuka Club 2015 link
PALETTE 2010  
Paralympians Association of Japan 2016 link
Pet Satooyakai 2012  
Piccolare 2023  
PIECES 2019 link
Pirika Association 2020 link
Place Tokyo 2009  
pulusualuha 2017 link
ReBit 2015 link
Saisei Gakusya 2011  
Saitama Youth Support Net 2020 link
Second Harvest Japan 2005 & 2006  
Sexual Assault Relief Centre 2012  
Shinai-jyuku Support Center for Foreigner's Education and Life 2015  
ShuR 2012  
SHU 2023  
Sineikai Fujimi 2007  
Single Mothers Forum 2015  
Smiling Hospital Japan 2015 link
Social Development Japan 2016 link
Special Olympics Nippon, Tokyo 2005 & 2006  
Support 21 2011  
Supporting Network for Chronic Sick Children of Japan 2013  
Teach For Japan 2014  
The Big Issue Japan Foundation 2008  
END ALS 2014  
Tokyo Community School 2020 link
Tokyo Satoyama Pioneers 2022 link
Toshima Children WAKUWAKU Network 2016 link
Tsukuba Agri Challenge 2018 link
Tsukuba Aijien Orpahange / Children's care home 2008  
Tsukuroi Tokyo Fund 2017 link
Tyler Foundation 2009  
UPTREE 2017 link
Usnova 2019 link
Vivace 2008  
Wakakusa-kai / Wakakusa Ryo 2006  
Watashi no Mirai 2021 link
WELgee 2019 link
WheeLog 2023  
Women's Support Network "Saya-Saya" 2008  
Yokohama Children's Hospice Project 2021 link
Youth Community 2022 link
Yuzuriha, Aftercare Centre for children & youth raised in orphanages and shelters 2012